Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Poem 8-Monster

Sugapuelffuns (Soogapoolfuns)

The Sugapuelffuns is an elephant like creature who lurks with intent in the forest, only to show himself to those who believe in him. Most don’t think he is actually real. He is a dark brown color with long fur and big feet. His long nose drags on the ground and his bushy tail follows right behind him. On a typical day you can find the Sugapuelffuns smelling flowers and eating grass. He is a kind creature and never harms another. The Sugapuelffuns is a vegetarian, eating only plants from the ground. Most of the time the Sugapuelffuns is very lonely because he is only seen to those who believe in him. He does have one friend though. Her name is little duck. Below is a picture of the quaint being. So innocent.

*inspired by the Sesame Character Snuffleupagus

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

poem 7-Haikus

Swaying left and right
As the branch releases them
leaves fall to the ground

Look up at the sky
White shiny ball blinding me
Squint and close one eye

A strong gust of wind
the cold air pinches my face
warm inside my coat

daisies rising up
poison ready to attack
it’s time for sneezing

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Poem 5


I wake up with determination
Today it will be different.
There’s so much that I want to do
and only I can make it happen

I wake up with Determination
where in the world is my gym shoe!
I’m going to hit the finish line
five, ten, fifteen, twenty, 26.2

I wake up with determination
a blank page with taunting pain
my hands tingle ready write
the words come to my brain

I wake up with determination
a tornado hit my house
laundry, dishes, vacuum, sweep
the rush of clean is oh so sweet

I wake up with determination
I'm invisible and filled with fear
my heart beats fast as our eyes meet
he grins from ear to ear

I wake up with determination
I great reward I must find
wake up with determination

go to bed with peace of mind